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Kollel DC 5784
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The Kollel Derech Chaim Mission

Kollel Derech Chaim was founded in 2021 under the leadership of Rav Yossi Stilerman. The Kollel’s mission is to take serious and growth-oriented yungeleit and give them the tools necessary to acquire a deep understanding in critical areas of halacha and hashkafa.


The morning seder in the Kollel focuses on learning Halachos b’iyun, including Shabbos, Basar V'chalav and Tahara, where the oilam learn the sugya in depth with the goal of thoroughly understanding the sugya as well as the practical halachic applications.  In the afternoon, the Kollel joined the Oraysa Amud Yomi program, and are also working on hashkafa sefarim including Ramchal’s Derech Hashem and Nefesh Hachayim. 


The Kollel encourages the avreichim to eventually take all they have learned to help other Yidden come closer to the Ribono Shel Olam and to make an impact in Kehillos throughout the world.


The Kollel is hosted by Kehilla Kedosha Beis Shlomo in Ramat Eshkol and enjoys the use of its state-of-the-art facility as a comfortable and welcoming home.

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